Monday, March 30, 2009

mad about gascar

so it looks like we are unable to play dr. disc that weekend. i'm a little bummed. we'll probably do that another day. everyone should go there and buy tons of shit anyway, because it is a fucking great record store that holds its own against any other store i've been to in the country.

if anyone who might stumble across this blog has a germanium fuzz pedal they might be willing to sell, i would like it. fat chance, i know.

we have been recently discussing the possibility of recording our own music ourselves. the idea is appealing given that we have an album's worth of material that is written and rehearsed that we would like to be able to record soon while it's fresh and exciting to us. for the price of recording in a studio or in a professional setting of some sort, we could buy a bunch of microphones and do things on our own terms. i don't think the studio atmosphere is ideal for us- but i don't mean this in a pretentious way, i think studios have their merits obviously. i just think working against a clock can really take away from the finished product. any advice or cool stuff like old mics or preamps or anything anyone could offer would be much appreciated. we have a rough idea of what we're doing, but we definitely need a few things.

our alter-ego band Space Vampire is going to be making a live appearance soon. look forward to gratuitous solos and other self-gratifying meanderings. maybe a cover or two.

one of our favourite bands might be playing windsor in june but we're not going to be able to play with them because i'll be out on tour then. shitty.

check out hurting people.
they're good.

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